Two Sunday Services 9:00 & 11:00
Nursery / Children’s Church / Cry Room
Nursery Care and Children’s Church are available at the 11:00 service only. Please check in any time after 10:45. A Cry Room for infants is located at the back of the church.
Meals Ministry:
Leader: Marsha L.
Through a team of volunteers, and our Ministry Leaders, we provide meals
to church members who are recovering from medical issues,
loss, or have newborn infants. Dinner meals are prepared and provided by meals
ministry volunteers, gifting their time, talent, and treasure to help someone in need by
providing a ready-made meal. When a friend is in need, everyone wonders,
“What can I do to help?” One answer is to provide a meal!
Meals Ministry Volunteers Are Always WELCOME!
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 435-586-3640.