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“For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience

that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity

and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the

grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.”


2 Corinthians 1:12


February 9, 2025


EQUIP is an eight-week discipleship series that will help you learn to live a life of

wisdom, harmony, humility, love, confidence, contentment, joy, and compassion!

Each meeting will focus on one of these qualities, through carefully selected

readings for you to digest at home and through weekly discussions. Not only will

you grow, but there will be a ripple effect of growth among your family and friends.

We’ll meet for the first time on February 11 from 6:30-8:30 for an informational

meeting. Please email or call the Sonrise office if you

have any questions. Or click here to register:

Tithing Reports

You can pick up your 2024 tithing report in the Foyer today!

Women's Retreat Survey

Hey ladies! We're thinking about starting an annual women's retreat and need your

help. Can you take a minute to fill out this survey for us?


Women's Ministry

Saturday February 15, 11:00am the Women’s Ministry are meeting to play some

games and enjoy a potluck. There is no need to RSVP. They will be meeting in the

Fellowship Hall. Please plan to bring a yummy dish to share. See Janet or call the

church office for questions.

This Week at Sonrise


  • Biblical Foundations, 9-10:30am, in the Fellowship Hall, led by Elder Jeff  D,

Emanuel N, Keith M & Peter B. We are studying Biblical Foundations for Building

Strong Disciples.

  • Youth Church, (ages 12-17), 11:15-12:00pm. We meet in the Fellowship  Hall.

Led by Pastor Nolan & Rachel.

  • Young Adults, 4-6pm, (Ages 18-30) in the Foyer, led by Pastor Andy.



  • Women’s Bible Study, 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Current study: The Book

of James. All women are welcome to join. Led by Terry H.

  • Life Group, 6:00pm. Current study: The Book of Romans. For location or

questions, contact the church office. Led by Emanuel N.


  • Women’s Bible Study, 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Current Study: The

Psalms by Max Lucado. All women are welcome to join. Please see Janet F or

call the church office for questions.



  • Life Group, 10am, current study: The Gospel according to Luke. For information

& location, contact the church office. Led by Ron B

  • Line-by-Line Bible Study, 6:30pm, in the Foyer with Pastor Jim. Current study:

The Book of Genesis. 

  • Youth Group, 6-8pm (ages 12-17) we meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner,

games & Bible Study. Led by Pastor Nolan & Rachel B.

  • Women’s Off-Campus Bible Study, 10am & 6:30pm.  Current study: The Book

of Ezekiel Led by Miriam S. Call the church office location.


  • Precepts Bible Study, 1:00-3:00pm at the Main St Library. Current study:

Book of Luke. Please see Elder Jeff & Cheryl D or Kit & John K for a study book.


  • Celebrate Recovery, 6:30pm. in the Sanctuary. C R is about introducing

people, who have been hurt by this world, to the healing power of Jesus Christ

by working the C R program. Led by Daryl and Leigh O.

New Journey Widow’s Ministry, we meet the 3rd Friday Monthly, 10:00 am -

12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall (Call Church Office for changes or special

events). You are invited to join us for potluck brunch, discussion, and fellowship

with other widows. We are here to support each other. Please see Denette D for

questions. Our next meeting is Friday February 21.


  • Men’s Fellowship, 8:00am the 3rd Saturday of each month, we meet in the

Fellowship Hall for breakfast & Bible study. Next meeting is February 15Please

see Elder Alain or call the church office for questions.

Check Us Out

Come See Us
6843 W 1800 N
Cedar City, Utah 84721
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6843 W 1800 N

Cedar City, Utah 84721


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 703 

Cedar City, Utah 84721

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